Together, we grow
and develop our regions.
Regional Development Australia Mid West and Gascoyne is part of a national network of 50 committees that are active facilitators in communities throughout Australia. We bring together government, business, community groups and industry members to achieve regional outcomes. When we do this, it is easier to find and progress solutions to local and regional issues.
Grants Hub
Grants can be the lifeline to making projects a reality for businesses, local governments and community groups. The Grants Hub makes it easy to find the right grant for you by filtering your search with options that work for your requirements.

Our Projects and Partnerships
We become involved with projects and partnerships to bring groups together in the interest of facilitating regional economic development, investment and liveability. Here are a few projects and partnerships that we have been involved with lately:
Regional Stories
As part of an initiative to bring more business activity into regional areas, Mid West and Gascoyne region towns were invited to participate in this nationwide tourism initiative.
Grants Hub
In partnership with Regional Development Australia Wheatbelt, we created a solution to easily identify, learn about and apply for grants and associated funding programs.
Small Shires: Growth & Liveability
The population of small shires is declining. There is no one solution to the factors that support job opportunities and growth. A multi-faceted approach is needed.
Diversity and industry in our regions
The Mid West and Gascoyne regions overflow with natural and commercial diversity. A rich landscape filled with a unique mix of mining, agriculture, fishing and tourism activities. It is brimming with natural wonders. We invite you to learn more about our regions.