Finding Assistance For
Your Grant Application
Completing funding applications can be a relatively easy or very involved task. When undertaking a grant application, you must collect information about and summarise all aspects of the project. This process can involve having external studies such as options, design, costing, economic impact and feasibility studies completed at your expense.
We have collected a few resources and ideas to assist you with your next grant application.
Find the right opportunity
Do your research!
Ensure you understand the guidelines and eligibility requirements for the grant well before the due date.
Contact the grant provider to clarify details and understand how your project fits their objectives.
Where can you find grants and funding?
The RDAWA Funding and Grants Hub provides free access to over 1,000 local government, business and community grants. Visit rdawa.grantguru.com.au to register for updates.
Australian Government:
Grant Connect
Timesaving tip!
Having key information at hand before starting your application can save time. Download and complete this template to prepare before the next funding opportunity arises. Template developed with information from ourcommunity.com.au.

Read and understand the application
Grant applications can be lengthy, but you must understand all the requirements.
Consider what additional information you could provide as evidence for the potential success of your project, need within the community and/or ability to enhance the quality of life.
Gather and/or conduct the research to support your application.
Obtain quotes for the required works.
Consider what work you can contribute 'in-kind' to support your application.
We invite you to contact us at Regional Development Australia Mid West Gascoyne if you need further advice.
Prepare the application
Leave yourself with time to write your application and include details such as:
Objectives - What is the project meant to achieve?
Who will benefit from the project?
How does the project fit in with the aims of the funding opportunity?
Address the funding guidelines criteria
Include the evidence of the need that your project fills and the benefits that come out of this.
Consider other funding sources to include.
Help is available!
There are people who can help you prepare and write grant applications for a fee.
The Community Grants Hub provides further resources to assist with preparing grant applications.