Case Study
Murchison GeoRegion
Regional Development Australia Mid West Gascoyne lead the development of the governance and leadership arrangements for six shires to participate in the evolution of the Murchison GeoRegion tourism initiative.
The Murchison GeoRegion is a self-drive journey encompassing 21 sites of national and international, natural and cultural significance within the Mid West Gascoyne region of Western Australia. Some of these sites are full of stories dating back to the earth’s beginning around 4.54 billion years ago.

The mission of the Murchison GeoRegion project is to showcase the unique Murchison environment and create sustainable economic and social development by implementing the structures, systems and processes that will support global recognition of the Murchison GeoRegion.
Visit the Murchison GeoRegion website to learn more about the sites, their locations and history.